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Anabolic steroids effect on forehead
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As bodybuilders, we put a lot of energy into finding the right types and balances of protein and carbs, but very little thought to the types of vitamins that will help get you huge and ripped. And it's that lack of information that can lead to the kind of confusion I have with the current nutritional recommendations for weight gain, especially in regard to protein. The good news is that if you are serious about maintaining a lean and muscular body weight, we have more specific recommendations for most macronutrients than any bodybuilding website out there today. It's all about your intake to ensure optimal growth and energy. For our recommendations, we look at a bodybuilder's daily caloric intake. What are their recommended daily protein intakes? What are the recommended daily carbohydrates? What are their recommended daily fat intakes? What are their recommended daily intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs)? What are their recommended daily levels of Vit D3 and D2? And if you're not a bodybuilder, we will tell you exactly how to get your levels of some vitamins and minerals up to the ideal range. We also look at the health risks of the foods and macronutrients you're eating. We go into detail that you won't find anywhere else, in order to provide practical, scientific, and proven nutrition guidelines. This is not some sort of nutritional marketing ploy. I do nothing to promote any one nutrient over another. It's not my job. I just want you to make healthy choices, as are you, based on the advice, data, and recommendations we provide. Here they are: 1 Vitamin K Vitamin K is a B vitamin that is an essential nutrient for the body to use and perform. It can only be found in organic food and is very cheap because you can't get it in any other way. 2 Vitamin C Vitamin C is a B vitamin that plays an important role in the immune system. It is also required to build the skeleton. 3 Calcium Calcium is a B vitamin and must be taken in small amounts if properly absorbed. This is essential for bones and teeth. 4 Potassium Potassium is a water-soluble B vitamin that serves as a co-factor in the conversion of other nutrients to energy. 5 Phosphorus Phenylalanine is a co-factor in protein synthesis. 6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 is a co-factor in protein synthesis. 7 Zinc Zinc is essential for the functioning of the immune system and a major Related Article: